


"18th From Ideas to Reality Graduation Project Exhibition" was Held by Our Department

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

"18. "From IDEAS TO REALITY Graduation Projects Exhibition" will be held on June 13, 2024, by our Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI, our Vice Rector Halil İbrahim OKUMUŞ, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Gençağa PÜRÇEK, Vice Deans Prof. Dr. Temel VAROL and Prof. Dr. It was held with the participation of Ömer Necati CORA.

Emre AKYÜZ, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Trabzon Chamber of Electrical Engineers, Emre AKYÜZ and Members of the Board of Directors and visitors attended the project exhibition, which included 58 valuable projects realized under the consultancy of the Department Faculty Members.

The main topics of the projects of the students of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, which are the output of their one-year efforts, are; Charging Unit for Electric Vehicles, Intelligent Systems, Autonomous Robots for different purposes, Satellite and Radio Communication Systems, Automation Systems, Energy Storage Systems and Smart City Applications.

We congratulate our Department Students and Advisor Faculty Members for their valuable projects.

18th EXHIBITION OF FINISHING PROJECTS FROM IDEAS TO REALITY click here to access the photo archive

Prof. Dr. Ayten ATASOY
Head of Department