


Patent Name: New Semi-Synthesis of Gypsogenin Derivative and Chalcone Compounds and the Use of These Derivatives in Human Cancer Cell Lines

Inventors: Nurettin YAYLI, Nuran KAHRİMAN, Safiye EMİRDAĞ

Applicants: Aegean University, Karadeniz Technical University

Application Type: Patent

Application Number: 2019/22043

Registration Date: 21.06.2022

Summary: The invention is about the obtaining of gypsogenin aglycone and its derivatives from gypsophila arrostii plant roots, which are naturally derived compounds, the semi-synthesis method of gypsogenin-anhydride and chalcone compounds, which are gypsogenin derivatives, and the effect of gypsogenin derivatives on human cancer cell lines and their use in cancer treatment.

Patent Name: Water Soluble Cobalt (II) Phthalocyanine Compounds with Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Effect and Their Synthesis Method

Inventors: Zekeriya BIYIKLIOĞLU, Murat ŞENTÜRK, Tayfun ARSLAN

Applicants: Karadeniz Technical University

Application Type: Patent

Application Number: 2019/23135

Registration Date: 21.01.2022

Summary: Invention; N,N-diethyl-4-(1-(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl) with acetylcholinesterase inhibitor effect, developed for use in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer's disease. Containing -N-methylbenzemmonium iodide or tetra substituted 4-(1-(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-N,N,N-trimethylbenzemmonium iodide groups, It is related to water-soluble cobalt(II) phthalocyanine compounds.


Patent Name: Mixture of Propolis Flavonoid Cocktail, Oak, Chestnut Pollen and Royal Jelly (Pohpor) to Heal Chemotherapy-Induced Ovarian Damage

Inventors: Sevgi KOLAYLI, Meltem ARIKAN MALKOÇ

Applicants: Karadeniz Technical University

Application Type: Patent

Application Number: 2023/002774

Summary: The invention is based on the Flavonoid Cocktail Obtained by Solvent Extraction of Polyphenols (Phenolic Acids, Flavonoids, Tannins, Etc.) Found in Propolis, Obtained After Mixing and Fermenting with Oak Honey, Bee Pollen and Royal Jelly (1:10:2:1). Pohpor) Related to Mixture.

Patent Name: Anticancer Agent Containing Carbazole

Inventors: Yasemin ÜNVER, Fatih ÇELİK, Ali AYDIN

Applicants: Karadeniz Technical University, Yozgat Bozok University

Application Type: Patent

Application Number: 2023/003587

Summary: The invention relates to a powerful anticancer agent containing carbazole with reduced side effects. The agent mentioned is organic based; It is a carbazole compound that carries biological activity and therefore has the potential to be used in medicine and pharmacy. In this context, anticancer and antiproliferative etc. It is a chemical product that potentially carries properties. The issue that the invention solves with the formula is the reduction of multidrug resistance and cytotoxic effects that develop during the treatment of cancer and microbial diseases.



Beneficial Model Name: Anti-Hypertensive Use of Mad Honey and Rhododendrons Extracts

Inventors: Sevgi KOLAYLI, Hilal EBRU ÇAKIR, Hüseyin ŞAHİN, Meltem ARIKAN MALKOÇ Oktay YILDIZ

Applicants: Karadeniz Technical University, Okta Arge Engineering Services Industry and Trade Limited Company

Application Type: Utility Model

Application Number: 2021/014613

Summary: Invention; Mad honey, mad honey extracts are related to the anti-hypertensive properties of extracts of rhododendron (Rhododendron) parts such as flowers, pollen, leaves, roots and bark, and formulations containing them.








 Patent + International Patent Name: A New Water-Soluble Silicon Phthalocyanine Compound That Does Not Show Aggregation and Has In Vitro Anticancer Effect Against Lung, Liver, Breast and Melanoma Cancer Types

Inventors: Zekeriya BIYIKLIOĞLU, Arzu ÖZEL, Burak BARUT, Turgut KELEŞ

Applicants: Karadeniz Technical University

Application Type: Patent + International Patent

Application Number: TR2018/14012 + PCTITR20191050566 WO2020068015

Registration Date: 21.01.2022

Summary: It is active in cancer cells that are resistant to metal-containing compounds, has a broader spectrum of action than metal-containing compounds, has a lower toxic effect than metal-containing compounds, has reduced side effects, can be used as a potential antitumor drug, and is an anti-cancer (cancer therapeutic) drug. ) and silicon phthalocyanine compounds containing (3,5-bis{3-[3-(diethylamino)phenoxy]propoxy}phenyl)methoxy groups, which have anti-oxidant effects, and synthesis methods of these compounds.

Patent + International Patent Name: Superabsorbent Polymer


Applicants: Karadeniz Technical University

Application Type: Patent + International Patent

Application Number: 2022/012019 + PCT/TR/2022/051383

Summary: The invention can be used in water absorption, agriculture and agriculture, construction industry, separation of heavy metal ions and harmful molecules, child and feminine hygiene materials, drug carriers, fire extinguishing; It relates to a superabsorbent polymer containing Polyethylene Glycol Dimeacrylate as a crosslinker.


Patent + International Patent Name: Copper(II) Complex Containing New 5-Fluorouracil and Terpyridine with Anticancer and Antiangiogenic Effects

Inventors: Engin ULUKAYA, Veysel Turan YILMAZ, Ceyda İÇSEL YILMAZ, Zeynep SARIAL, Remzi Okan AKAR

Applicants: Karadeniz Technical University, İstinye University

Application Type: International Patent

Application Number: 2023/001257 + PCT/TR2023/050190

Summary: The invention relates to a water-soluble 5-fluorouacyl (5-fu) copper(ii) terpyridine (terpy) complex [cucl(5-fu)(terpy)] and its synthesis method. As a result of studies conducted with various types of cancer, it was observed that the compound in question was specifically effective (cytotoxic, cell-killing) in colon cancer. It has been understood that the mode of cell death is apoptosis. The compound also showed antimigratory properties. Finally, it was determined by in ovo glass test that the compound has antiangiogenic properties. Considering all these results (cytotoxic, antimigratory, antiangiogenic), it was concluded that the compound is a candidate lead compound to be used in the treatment of colon cancer.