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4- Akca, İ., Hacıoğlu Ö., Başokur, A.T., ?Imaging gypsum?anhydrite interface by a structure-based conceptual resistivity model: A case study from Bala (Turkey) gypsum deposits?, Near Surface 21, Pages 82-92, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1002/nsg.12239
5- Hacıoğlu Ö., Başokur A. T., Meqbel N., Arslan H. İ., Efeçınar T., ?Magnetotellurics unveils a hidden caldera complex beneath the Cappadocia Volcanic Province, Central Anatolia, Türkiye?, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 442, 107877, 2023
6- Coban K.H., Sayıl N., ?Magnitude type conversion models for earthquakes in Turkey and its vicinity with machine learning algorithms?, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 27(9), 2533-2554, 2023
7- Bayrak, E., Coban, K. H., ?Evaluation of 08 August 2019 Bozkurt (Denizli-Turkey, Mw 6.0) earthquake in terms of strong ground-motion parameters and Coulomb stress changes?, Environmental Earth Sciences, 82(20), 470, 2023
8- Karslı, H., ?Contributıon of Preservation Low Frequency Information On Stacked Section: Examples From Land And Marine Seismic Data, ANAS Transactions?, Earth Sciences, Special Issue, 14?17; 2023, DOI: 10.33677/ggianasconf20230300003.