
For questions and requests;

Head of Department: Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasan ÖLMEZ, (Work: 0462 377 80 60; Cell: 0533 512 98 84) 

Deputy Department Heads: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dursun Murat SEKBAN, (Work: 0462 377 80 73; Cell: 0555 791 61 60)

                              Assist. Prof. Dr. Cemalettin AYGÜN, (Work: 0462 377 80 73)

International Affairs and Student Exchange Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasan ÖLMEZ, (Work: 0462 377 80 60; Cell: 0533 512 98 84) 

Department Secretary: Recep KARAVER - Tel: 0462 377 81 02

Address: KTU - Sürmene Faculty of Marine Sciences Çamburnu Campus, Department of Marine Engineering Operations, 61530 Sürmene / Trabzon

Tel: 0 (462) 752 28 05 (Faculty Santral)

Document Transfers (Fax): 0 (462) 752 21 58