successes of our students in TUBITAK projects

In 2024, a total of 5 different projects were submitted by our department's students for support under the TUBITAK 2209-A University Students Domestic Research Projects Support Program. Below are the details of projects from 2024 and earlier. Information regarding the projects for the year 2024 is as follows:


Table 1. 2209-A - Supported Projects under the University Students Research Projects Support Program

Supported Project Topics Project Manager Project Advisor
1. Integration of Natural Survivor Method (NSM) into Spider Wasp Optimization (SWO) Algorithm (2024) Simay TAŞKIN Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
2. Design of Fitness Distance Balance (FDB) Based Substance Algorithm (2024) Nisa Beyza NAR Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
3. Educational Platform for Children with Down Syndrome (DOSEP) (2024) Efidar KESKİNBIÇAK, Arzu Gül TUĞALAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
4. Emotional Reactions and Topic Modeling Analysis of Twitter Users on the Palestine-Israel Conflict İlayda IŞIK, Yusuf DOĞAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
5. Generation of Synthetic Data on Dental X-Ray Images (2024) Saime Kübra ÖZDEN Assistant Prof. Mustafa Hakan BOZKURT


The projects that have been accepted in previous years along with their information are listed below.


Table 2. Supported Projects from Previous Years (2209-A)

Supported Project Topics Project Manager Project Advisor
1. Modeling the Search Characteristics of Metaheuristic Search Algorithms (2023) Veli Can KURT Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
2. Implementation of an Online Attendance System and Web Service using Face Recognition with Deep Neural Networks (2023) Tolga YILMAZ Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
3. Three-Dimensional Design and Implementation of Real-World Routing Optimization Algorithm for Agricultural Spraying with Drones (2023) Yunus Emre GÖKTÜRK Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
4. Designing a Convolutional Neural Network on the Python Platform using Software Design Principles to Facilitate Hyperparameter Optimization (2023) Buse TUNCER Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
5. Mapping the Landscape of the Scientific World through Topic Modeling Analysis of Science-related Posts on the Reddit Platform (2023) Merve YALÇIN, Semanur GÜRSOY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
6. Revealing the Characteristics of Posts Related to 'Big Data' on Stack Overflow through Topic Modeling and Association Analysis (2023) Ayça YURTSEVEN, Adile GENÇ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
7. An Example of Human-Computer Interaction: Database Query Application with Voice Commands (2023) Sitem BARIŞ, Sahil RZAYEV Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
8. Smart Internship Mobile Assistant (2023) Sinem ÇELİKTAŞ, Zeynep AKTÜRK Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
9. Simple UAV (Drone) Virtual Reality Training Platform (2023) Hatice BULUT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT
10. Improvement of Dental Radiological Images using Metaheuristic Search Algorithms (2023) İbrahim Yıldırım Assistant Prof. Mustafa Hakan BOZKURT
11. Multi-level Image Segmentation using Lshade Algorithm for Lesion Detection in Chest MRI Images (2023) İdris Sefa Çakır Assistant Prof. Mustafa Hakan BOZKURT
12. Research on Optimizing Archive-Population Interaction in Pareto-Based Working Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms and Development of a New Method (2022) Enes ÇAKIR Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
13. Design of an Adapted Metaheuristic Search Algorithm for Constrained Engineering Problems (2022) Hanife MEHAN Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
14. Determination of the Ideal Number of Clusters for Clustering Analysis in Big Data Studies (2022) Elif ŞAHİNKAYA Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
15. Optimization of Agricultural Pesticide Spraying Problem with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) (2022) Talha TOĞUŞLU, Esra ÇETİNTAŞ Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
16. Developing an Application to Identify and Classify Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Optimizing the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Architecture (2022) Pınar ERGÜR Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
17. Designing a Forensic Investigation Algorithm based on FDB Method and its Application to Engineering Design Problems (2022) Duru Su ÇAKAN Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
18. Design and Enhancement of Archive Management and Population Update Mechanism in Pareto-Based Unconstrained Sequential Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms (2022) Emre Can HAYIT Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
19. Augmented Reality Dictionary Application (2022) Abdullah Ahmet AŞKIN, Ömer Şevval KORAMAZ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
20. Extracting a Competency Map of the Software World through Topic Modeling Analysis on Indeed Job Listings (2022) Bengisu TUNCA, Büşra EFE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
21. Kitchen Essentials Mobile Assistant (2022) Seyit DAĞ, Necati ÇUHADAR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT
22. Earth Scent (2022) Hatice Kübra ÖÇAL, Oğuzhan ALICI  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT
23. Development of an Unconstrained Sequential Crowding-Distance Pareto-Based Multi-Objective Archimedean Optimization Algorithm and its Application to CEC 2020 Problems (2021) Ayşegül ŞAHİN Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
24. Designing the Gradient-Based Optimization Algorithm with the FDB Method and its Application to Engineering Design Problems (2021) Durdane Ayşe TAŞÇI Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
25. Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Data Summarization Tool for Big Data Sets (2021) Seyithan TEMEL Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
26. Improving the Search Performance of the Dynamic Differential Annealed Optimization Algorithm Using the FDB Method and Solving Continuous-valued Optimization Problems (2021) Hasan Cihad ALTAY Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
27. Researching and Developing the Best Algorithm for Smoothed Dynamic UAV Route Planning Problem Based on UAV Maneuverability (2021) Mehmet Akif SOLAK Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
28. A proposed system for selecting open-source software (2021) Enis KESKİN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
29. Analyzing Turkish reviews of the top 20 apps on Google Play and the App Store through topic modeling (2021) Beytullah KELEŞ, Ercan ERDEM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT
30. Augmented Reality (AR) Fun Animations (2021) Çağatay ZAİM Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT
31. Forum Application (2021) Turan BİCAV Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT
32. Network Travel Guide (2021) Büşra ÇAPAR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT
33. Make a Donation (2021) Yunus Emre HAŞLAK Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT
34. Enhancement of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms using the DSK Method and Optimization of Constrained Engineering Design Problems (2020) Mehmet KATI Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 

35. Development of an Adaptive Function Aggregation Method for Multi-Objective Metaheuristic Optimization Problems (2020)

Mustafa AKBEL Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN  
36. Design and Implementation of a Metaheuristic Dimensionality Reduction Tool for Classification Problems (2020) Büşra ARAS, Orhun YILDIZ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 

37. Design and Development of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Stakeholder Analysis Tool (2020)

Gamzenur YILDIRIM, Funda ŞAHİNER Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN  
38. Design and Enhancement of an SOS-Based Metaheuristic Clustering Algorithm (2020) Ömer KÖROĞLU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN  

39. Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Big Data Management Tool (2019)

Fatih ARSLAN, Yasin GÜZEL Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
40. Remote Live Support (2019) Hande Ebrar GÜNEŞDOĞDU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 
41. Ask the Reader (2019) - Google Play Application Banu HOŞ, Fatma DELEN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 

42. Design and Implementation of a Metaheuristic Optimization Tool (2018)

Aykut ERDAL, Özge DEMİRKAPILI Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN 


Table 3. Supported Projects from Previous Years (2209-B)

Supported Project Topics Project Manager Project Advisor Industry Advisor Institutions where the research will be conducted (University-Industry)
1. Design and Implementation of a Multi-Layered Artificial Intelligence-Based Hybrid Data Imputation Algorithm (2023) Barış TAN Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN Emre UMMAK KTU, TEKNOPAR
2. Innovative/Intelligent B2B Platform Application Based on Graph Databases (2023) Berkay HELLAGÜN, Emre BOZKURT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT Gökhan ÖVSENE KTU, ID3 Yazılım ve Bilgi Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
3. API Gateway (2022) Aleyna SÖNMEZ, Nusret Can ACAR Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN  Ertan ÖZGÜR KTÜ, Milsoft
4. Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Hybrid Data Summarization Tool for Classification Problems in Big Data Sets (2022) Cansu CANDAN Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN  Dr. Özgür AKARSU KTÜ, Koç Digital Çözümler A.Ş.