In 2024, a total of 5 different projects were submitted by our department's students for support under the TUBITAK 2209-A University Students Domestic Research Projects Support Program. Below are the details of projects from 2024 and earlier. Information regarding the projects for the year 2024 is as follows:
Table 1. 2209-A - Supported Projects under the University Students Research Projects Support Program
Supported Project Topics | Project Manager | Project Advisor |
1. Integration of Natural Survivor Method (NSM) into Spider Wasp Optimization (SWO) Algorithm (2024) | Simay TAŞKIN | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
2. Design of Fitness Distance Balance (FDB) Based Substance Algorithm (2024) | Nisa Beyza NAR | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
3. Educational Platform for Children with Down Syndrome (DOSEP) (2024) | Efidar KESKİNBIÇAK, Arzu Gül TUĞALAN | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
4. Emotional Reactions and Topic Modeling Analysis of Twitter Users on the Palestine-Israel Conflict | İlayda IŞIK, Yusuf DOĞAN | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
5. Generation of Synthetic Data on Dental X-Ray Images (2024) | Saime Kübra ÖZDEN | Assistant Prof. Mustafa Hakan BOZKURT |
The projects that have been accepted in previous years along with their information are listed below.
Table 2. Supported Projects from Previous Years (2209-A)
Supported Project Topics | Project Manager | Project Advisor |
1. Modeling the Search Characteristics of Metaheuristic Search Algorithms (2023) | Veli Can KURT | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
2. Implementation of an Online Attendance System and Web Service using Face Recognition with Deep Neural Networks (2023) | Tolga YILMAZ | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
3. Three-Dimensional Design and Implementation of Real-World Routing Optimization Algorithm for Agricultural Spraying with Drones (2023) | Yunus Emre GÖKTÜRK | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
4. Designing a Convolutional Neural Network on the Python Platform using Software Design Principles to Facilitate Hyperparameter Optimization (2023) | Buse TUNCER | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
5. Mapping the Landscape of the Scientific World through Topic Modeling Analysis of Science-related Posts on the Reddit Platform (2023) | Merve YALÇIN, Semanur GÜRSOY | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
6. Revealing the Characteristics of Posts Related to 'Big Data' on Stack Overflow through Topic Modeling and Association Analysis (2023) | Ayça YURTSEVEN, Adile GENÇ | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
7. An Example of Human-Computer Interaction: Database Query Application with Voice Commands (2023) | Sitem BARIŞ, Sahil RZAYEV | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
8. Smart Internship Mobile Assistant (2023) | Sinem ÇELİKTAŞ, Zeynep AKTÜRK | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
9. Simple UAV (Drone) Virtual Reality Training Platform (2023) | Hatice BULUT | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT |
10. Improvement of Dental Radiological Images using Metaheuristic Search Algorithms (2023) | İbrahim Yıldırım | Assistant Prof. Mustafa Hakan BOZKURT |
11. Multi-level Image Segmentation using Lshade Algorithm for Lesion Detection in Chest MRI Images (2023) | İdris Sefa Çakır | Assistant Prof. Mustafa Hakan BOZKURT |
12. Research on Optimizing Archive-Population Interaction in Pareto-Based Working Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms and Development of a New Method (2022) | Enes ÇAKIR | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
13. Design of an Adapted Metaheuristic Search Algorithm for Constrained Engineering Problems (2022) | Hanife MEHAN | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
14. Determination of the Ideal Number of Clusters for Clustering Analysis in Big Data Studies (2022) | Elif ŞAHİNKAYA | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
15. Optimization of Agricultural Pesticide Spraying Problem with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) (2022) | Talha TOĞUŞLU, Esra ÇETİNTAŞ | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
16. Developing an Application to Identify and Classify Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Optimizing the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Architecture (2022) | Pınar ERGÜR | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
17. Designing a Forensic Investigation Algorithm based on FDB Method and its Application to Engineering Design Problems (2022) | Duru Su ÇAKAN | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
18. Design and Enhancement of Archive Management and Population Update Mechanism in Pareto-Based Unconstrained Sequential Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms (2022) | Emre Can HAYIT | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
19. Augmented Reality Dictionary Application (2022) | Abdullah Ahmet AŞKIN, Ömer Şevval KORAMAZ | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
20. Extracting a Competency Map of the Software World through Topic Modeling Analysis on Indeed Job Listings (2022) | Bengisu TUNCA, Büşra EFE | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
21. Kitchen Essentials Mobile Assistant (2022) | Seyit DAĞ, Necati ÇUHADAR | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT |
22. Earth Scent (2022) | Hatice Kübra ÖÇAL, Oğuzhan ALICI | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT |
23. Development of an Unconstrained Sequential Crowding-Distance Pareto-Based Multi-Objective Archimedean Optimization Algorithm and its Application to CEC 2020 Problems (2021) | Ayşegül ŞAHİN | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
24. Designing the Gradient-Based Optimization Algorithm with the FDB Method and its Application to Engineering Design Problems (2021) | Durdane Ayşe TAŞÇI | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
25. Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Data Summarization Tool for Big Data Sets (2021) | Seyithan TEMEL | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
26. Improving the Search Performance of the Dynamic Differential Annealed Optimization Algorithm Using the FDB Method and Solving Continuous-valued Optimization Problems (2021) | Hasan Cihad ALTAY | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
27. Researching and Developing the Best Algorithm for Smoothed Dynamic UAV Route Planning Problem Based on UAV Maneuverability (2021) | Mehmet Akif SOLAK | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
28. A proposed system for selecting open-source software (2021) | Enis KESKİN | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
29. Analyzing Turkish reviews of the top 20 apps on Google Play and the App Store through topic modeling (2021) | Beytullah KELEŞ, Ercan ERDEM | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT |
30. Augmented Reality (AR) Fun Animations (2021) | Çağatay ZAİM | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT |
31. Forum Application (2021) | Turan BİCAV | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT |
32. Network Travel Guide (2021) | Büşra ÇAPAR | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT |
33. Make a Donation (2021) | Yunus Emre HAŞLAK | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer ÖZYURT |
34. Enhancement of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms using the DSK Method and Optimization of Constrained Engineering Design Problems (2020) | Mehmet KATI | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
35. Development of an Adaptive Function Aggregation Method for Multi-Objective Metaheuristic Optimization Problems (2020) |
Mustafa AKBEL | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
36. Design and Implementation of a Metaheuristic Dimensionality Reduction Tool for Classification Problems (2020) | Büşra ARAS, Orhun YILDIZ | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
37. Design and Development of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Stakeholder Analysis Tool (2020) |
Gamzenur YILDIRIM, Funda ŞAHİNER | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
38. Design and Enhancement of an SOS-Based Metaheuristic Clustering Algorithm (2020) | Ömer KÖROĞLU | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
39. Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Big Data Management Tool (2019) |
Fatih ARSLAN, Yasin GÜZEL | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
40. Remote Live Support (2019) | Hande Ebrar GÜNEŞDOĞDU | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
41. Ask the Reader (2019) - Google Play Application | Banu HOŞ, Fatma DELEN | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
42. Design and Implementation of a Metaheuristic Optimization Tool (2018) |
Aykut ERDAL, Özge DEMİRKAPILI | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN |
Table 3. Supported Projects from Previous Years (2209-B)
Supported Project Topics | Project Manager | Project Advisor | Industry Advisor | Institutions where the research will be conducted (University-Industry) |
1. Design and Implementation of a Multi-Layered Artificial Intelligence-Based Hybrid Data Imputation Algorithm (2023) | Barış TAN | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN | Emre UMMAK | KTU, TEKNOPAR |
2. Innovative/Intelligent B2B Platform Application Based on Graph Databases (2023) | Berkay HELLAGÜN, Emre BOZKURT | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZYURT | Gökhan ÖVSENE | KTU, ID3 Yazılım ve Bilgi Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. |
3. API Gateway (2022) | Aleyna SÖNMEZ, Nusret Can ACAR | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN | Ertan ÖZGÜR | KTÜ, Milsoft |
4. Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Hybrid Data Summarization Tool for Classification Problems in Big Data Sets (2022) | Cansu CANDAN | Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN | Dr. Özgür AKARSU | KTÜ, Koç Digital Çözümler A.Ş. |