international students

Application Requirements

Who can apply

a)Applicants, on condition that they are either in the last year of their high school education or have completed it, who

1) are foreign nationals studying at Turkish high schools (providing the condition that they registered before the 2022-2023 Academic Year) - (excluding embassy schools, international private education institutions in the MOBIS system, and foreign nationals attending secondary education schools in Türkiye as part of projects carried out by the Turkish Ministry of National Education),

2) originally had Turkish nationally by birth, but have given up their nationality upon the approval of the Turkish Ministry of Domestic Affairs, and those who certify that they have been issued a blue card upon their request, which is given to those who have lost their Turkish citizenship upon their request before the 2022-2023 Academic Year,

3) study at high schools in Türkiye (registered before the 2022-2023 Academic Year) and are former foreigners who acquired Turkish citizenship/ dual nationals in this situation,

*4) a) hold Turkish citizenship and have completed their high school education in high schools abroad including graduates of Turkish schools opened by the Ministry of National Education abroad (except the TRNC) on the condition that they pursued their high school education abroad before February 1, 2013, and have completed the last three years of their high school education abroad (except the TRNC),

b) have completed their high school education in high schools abroad including graduates of Turkish schools opened by the Ministry of National Education abroad (except the TRNC) on the condition that they pursued their high school education abroad before February 1, 2013, and have completed the last three years of their high school education abroad (except the TRNC),

5) hold TRNC citizenship and reside in the TRNC and have completed secondary education (high school) in the TRNC and have GCEAL exam results, and those who have or will have GCEAL exam results by registering and studying at colleges and high schools in other countries between 2005-2010.

b)Applicants will not be evaluated who

1) hold Turkish citizenship and have completed their high school education in Türkiye or TRNC,

2) hold TRNC citizenship (except for those who have completed their entire high school education in a GCE AL system in TRNC, and those who have registered and completed/will complete their high school education in a GCE AL system abroad between 2005-2010), 

*3) hold Turkish citizenship by births and dual citizenship specified in Item. a/2 (excluding those who provide the criteria in Item. a/4),


4) hold dual citizenship (one of which is of T.R.N.C)- (except for those who have completed their entire high school education in a GCE AL system in TRNC, and those who have registered and completed/will complete their high school education in a GCE AL system abroad between 2005-2010),

5) hold Turkish citizenship by birth and dual citizenship specified in Item. a/2, and complete their high school education in institutions within an embassy or other foreign institution in Türkiye,

6) TRNC citizens and those who have renounced Turkish citizenship/Blue Card holders, and foreign nationals who will enrol in secondary education schools in Türkiye from the 2022-2023 academic year,

7) are punished with expulsion from a higher education institution in Türkiye.

Application and Prefence Process

Application and Prefence Process

Candidates should upload the following documents on the online application system between the dates specified by the Student Affairs Office.   

Candidates will be informed by e-mail (e-mail account they registered with) during the evaluation process in case of any missing/inaccurate documents.

So, candidates are supposed to check their e-mails frequently and update their applications in case of receiving any e mail about missing/inaccurate documents during the application process.

Applications of candidates who do not complete the required changes about the documents will not be evaluated.

Also, in case of submitting any false document/information intentionally during the application process, candidates will be deregistered from the University, regardless of the levels of their education, and legal proceedings will be initiated against these individuals.

Application Documents

Documents to Upload

1. Exam Result,

2. Certified Copy of High School Diploma (approved by the high school directorate in the Turkish or English languages),

3. Student certificate and transcript for candidates who have not graduated (approved by the high school directorate in the Turkish or English languages),

4. A copy of Passport or ID,

5. A document (certified and sealed passport or security records) showing that the students had been in the country where the diploma was obtained during their high school education or that they entered and exited the country, (for those who are Turkish citizens and graduates from high schools abroad that provide formal education; dual citizens (one of which is Turkish)),

6. Certificate of identity register copy for those who ceased to be Turkish citizens or have a blue card.

*1. Certificate of Equivalency will not be requested from the candidates during the preference application, but the registered candidates are supposed to submit their equivalence documents within 3 months at the latest.

*2. The photos that the candidates will upload to the system should be biometrically taken in 4,5x6 size within the last six months, since they will be used in all official transactions such as student cards, etc.

Accepted exam scores for the 2024-2025 Academic Year will be announced soon.

Application Guide Prefence Powerpoint Presentation


Final Registration Process

Final Registration Documents


Residence Permit

Residence Permit

Students can stay in Türkiye for three months with their visas. However, they should apply for Residence Permit for longer stays. All international students should visit the Trabzon Directorate of Migration Management within one month upon their arrival in Trabzon. Students should apply for Residence Permit for their period of study in Türkiye as it is specified in their visas and they are supposed to carry their Residence Permit document with them during their time in Türkiye.

International students residing in a different country must apply for residence permit within the borders of the Republic of Türkiye for the first time.

Cilck here for the first application

Click here for more information

Click here for ID number

Declaratıon/Control Document

Click here for tax identification number 

Click for the documents required for residence permit

Turkish Language Proficiency

Turkish Language Proficiency

Students accepted to the university programs with the Turkish language as the language of instruction, must certify their Turkish language proficiency to begin their education. The Turkish language proficiency levels accepted by the University are shown in the table below:

Turkish Language Proficiency







The C2 Turkish language proficiency levels are considered qualified enough for students to begin studies in Associate or Bachelor?s Degree programs.



The C1 Turkish language proficiency levels are considered qualified enough for students to begin studies in Associate or Bachelor?s Degree programs.



The B2 Turkish language proficiency levels are considered qualified enough for students to begin studies in Associate or Bachelor?s Degree programs.



Students with  B1 Turkish language proficiency levels are considered qualified enough for students to begin studies in Associate or Bachelor?s Degree programs.



Students with  A2 Turkish language proficiency levels are considered qualified enough for students to begin studies in Associate or Bachelor?s Degree programs.



Students with  A1 Turkish language proficiency levels are considered qualified enough for students to begin studies in Associate or Bachelor?s Degree programs.

- Documents to certify the Turkish language proficiency levels can be the ?Certificate of Turkish Language Proficiency? by KTU TOMER (Karadeniz Technical University Turkish Language Teaching, Application, and Research Center), TOMER certificates of other universities or Yunus Emre Institute?s TKS (Turkish Proficiency Exam). Students with B2, C1, and C2 levels will begin their studies in the programs they enrol in.
- Students who enrol in the programs with a B2 Turkish level must document that they have increased their Turkish level to C1 or C2 level by the beginning of the third academic year at the latest. Those who cannot increase their Turkish level to C1 or C2 level until the beginning of the third academic year at the latest cannot continue their education until they increase their language level to C1 or C2 level.
- Students who do not have a Turkish Language Proficiency certificate or whose Turkish level is A1, A2, and B1 cannot start their education. These students are considered to be on leave for one year to receive Turkish preparatory education. During this period, students are supposed to learn Turkish. Students who prove a sufficient level of Turkish according to the second and third paragraphs of this article can start their education in the program they are placed in.
- Students who enrol in university programs with a mixed language of instruction (Turkish and a certain foreign language) are given an additional year to take Turkish language training after their foreign language preparatory education. Students who exceed two years to complete their Turkish language and foreign language training will be deregistered.
- Students are obliged to submit their Turkish language proficiency documents to the Student Affairs Office before the course registration dates specified in the academic calendar.
- For those, who have completed their high school education in a school in Türkiye or completed their education at a Turkish high school abroad, any Turkish Proficiency Certificate is not required.

Click to visit KTU TOMER web page.


English Language Proficiency

English Language Proficiency

- To enrol study in the departments with the English language as a medium of instruction (30% or 100%), students are supposed to document an English language proficiency certificate or take the English proficiency exam conducted by our university. 

- To follow announcements, please visit the web page of School of Foreign Languages.

- Click for student's handbook 

Criteria for Language Preparation Class Exemption

- For the departments with 30% English as the medium of instruction, the minimum score for exemption from language preparation class is 60.
- For the departments with 100% English as the medium of instruction, the minimum score for exemption from language preparation class is 70.
- Students who completed their high school education in a country where English is the native language within three years before the application date to the university are not supposed to prove their English language proficiency with any exam score. 



Minimum score 



English Language exam by KTU Foreign School of Languages


YDS, YÖKDİL and other equal language exams







C level

100% English

English Language exam by KTU Foreign School of Languages


YDS, YÖKDİL and other equal language exams







B level

Click for the list of equivalant exams announced by OSYM.


The Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities will organize a program with our international students, potential graduate candidates who are studying in their final year at our University, on 08.05.2024 at 11.00 in the Atatürk Cultural Center Reşit TARAKÇIOĞLU Hall. Our international students who will graduate are kindly requested to attend. Click for detailed information and participation form. (02/05/2024)


      Click for the Decisions of the Council of Higher Education regarding International Students. (19.03.2024)