why KTU psychology?

The interest in and demand for psychology departments increasing day to day all over the world and in our country. Every day renewed technology, scientific activities and changing employment demands are changing the perspective on psychology and therefore training qualified psychologists is becoming critical for contribute to both individual and social development.

In addition, there is a great need for qualified psychologists in the Eastern Black Sea region and Trabzon province. It is thought that this employment need will be met with the psychology department to be opened in our university. In addition, social activities, experimental studies and laboratory studies to be carried out within the department will contribute to projects in the field of social and human sciences by increasing the use of scientific and technological knowledge. In addition, psychological science, human-group relations, human-technology relations, which are among the fields of social sciences that will take place in a technical university, will contribute to the creation of a broader perspective and a balanced education in the social-technical field as well as a multicultural education environment.

Currently, there are one Professor, one Associate Professor, two Assistant Professors, two Lecturers and five research assistants. In our faculty members, two lecturers have completed their post graduate studies abroad, funded by Ministry of National Education.

There is one Psychology Laboratory of KTU Psychology Department. In this laboratory, computer-based studies are carried out. In addition, studies on the acquisition of an Eye Tracking Device are ongoing. Faculty members and prospect students will have the opportunity to benefit from this area for conducting their research.

The achievements of our KTU Psychology Programme and examples of employment opportunities for students upon graduation are presented below:

Programme learning outcomes:

1- Knows the terminology of the field based on current sources in the field of psychology and uses this knowledge in various service, research and application areas. 

2- Gains the ability to recognise and observe human behavioural, emotional and cognitive processes. 

3- Traces, recognises, evaluates and intervenes in the process of a psychological phenomenon / case.

4- Using the principles of psychology, not only at the level of the individual, but also at the level of society to protect and improve the health and well-being of the initiatives. 

5- Recognises the subfields of psychology and gains the ability to conduct research in these areas.

6- Recognise the measurement and evaluation tools for the subfields of psychology and gain the ability to apply them to develop new tools.

7- To be able to master various research methods in psychology and to be able to plan, design, implement and evaluate a research using these methods.

8-Gains the ability to conduct a research in the field of psychology from start to finish (planning, designing, data collection, data analysis, reporting, publishing).

9- Works interdisciplinary by combining his/her knowledge of psychology subfields with other fields.

10- Acting according to the principle of lifelong learning, follows innovative approaches and current technology related to the field, uses English at B1 level, which is dominant in psychology resources, and knows the importance of postgraduate education.

11- Is sensitive to the characteristics and differences of psychological phenomena / cases, knows that it should not carry a prejudiced approach, respects universal values and human rights.

12- Acting with the awareness of social responsibility, reports, shares and applies his/her opinions and thoughts about the field of psychology in written and unwritten form within the framework of service to the society.

13- Behaves according to professional and ethical principles as required by the title of psychologist.

14- Knows the risks that he / she may be exposed to in his / her profession, develops strategies to protect and improve his / her own health against these risks and sets an example to the society and colleagues.

Areas of employment:

Graduates of the relevant programme can be employed by various ministries (Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Ministry of Justice Ministry of Health and institutions and organisations affiliated to these ministries (General Directorates of Prisons and Detention Houses, General Directorate of Child Services, hospitals, etc.); kindergartens, nursery schools and special education centres; psychotechnical centres with the title of psychologist.

We wish success to all candidate students who will take the Higher Education Institutions exam and we will be pleased to see you among us.