prospective students

General Information

The Department of Architecture is one of the first departments established at Karadeniz Technical University by Law No. 336 on September 19, 1963. During the period from 1963 to 1973, the university operated under Law No. 4936, offering a five-year education. However, with the enactment of the Universities Law No. 1750 in 1973, the education period was reduced to four years. The Department of Architecture began its four-year education program in the 1977-1978 academic year. In 2005, the Department of Architecture separated from the Faculty of Engineering-Architecture and was re-established as the Faculty of Architecture. It remains the most established department within the Faculty of Architecture.

The Department of Architecture awarded Karadeniz Technical University?s first graduates with the titles of Master Engineers and Master Architect & Engineers in the 1967-1968 academic year. Since 1963, the department has offered undergraduate and doctoral programs, and since 1982, it has also provided a master's program. As of July 12, 2024, the Department of Architecture at Karadeniz Technical University has graduated 3,500 students. These graduates have achieved numerous successes at both national and international levels across various positions.

The Department of Architecture, located within KTÜ Kanuni Campus, benefits from the numerous physical and social opportunities provided by the campus environment. In addition to technologically equipped classrooms and studios, the department also offers education through its laboratories.

Our faculty members have conducted numerous significant scientific studies, research projects, and practical applications, and have published both nationally and internationally. They have also received awards from various organizations and architectural project competitions. Additionally, our department has hosted the International Livenarch Congress (Livable Environments & Architecture International Congress), first held in 2001 and organized every two years, and also publishes the international peer-reviewed LivenARCH+ Journal twice a year.

Our department, with its strong academic staff and educational program, has been accredited by the Architectural Accreditation Board (MIAK) as of July 20, 2023.


Education Objectives

Architecture is a fundamental discipline that utilizes knowledge from the humanities, social and physical sciences, technology, environmental studies, creative arts, and general sciences. The aim of education within this discipline is to train architects who are capable of practicing the profession with scientific and ethical values.


  • To graduate individuals who stimulate imagination, employ creative thinking, bring innovations, and demonstrate leadership in design, capable of practicing their profession through individual and collaborative efforts.
  • To educate individuals who compete nationally and internationally, proficient at utilizing knowledge and technology effectively. 
  • To cultivate talented, creative professionals with a critical mindset and respect for professional ethics.
  • To educate citizens with ecological sensitivity and social responsibility.
  • To train architects who are equipped to practice the profession on national and international platforms, capable of interdisciplinary collaboration, research-oriented, scientific-minded, and proactive in following innovations and self-improvement.
  • To produce confident, specialized academics who achieve success nationally and internationally.


  • To become a leading institution that is recognized nationally and internationally 
  • To contribute at the highest level to science, art, and the environment, 
  • To raise public awareness in architectural issues, creating healthy, planned, environmentally respectful cities,
  • To become a center for significant scientific studies and events at national and international levels,
  • To be a leader and influential entity in education, research, and practice regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Our Students

Our students establish various student clubs such as Sketch Club, Idea Art Society, and maintain communication with international and national professional organizations, organizing events. For more details, click here...

Academic Staff

Our department features a skilled, dynamic, and strong academic staff of 51 members, comprising 15 professors, 12 associate professors, 5 assistant professors holding PhDs, 2 assistant professors, and 16 research assistants. In addition to teaching, our faculty members actively engage in scientific research and pursue projects funded by KTU BAP, TÜBİTAK, and SANTEZ. Efforts to apply for projects under EU framework programs are ongoing, alongside collaborations with several universities abroad.

For more information about our faculty members:;


  •  Building Information
  •  History of Architecture
  •  City Planning
  •  Restoration
  •  Construction Information

Internship Program

In addition to completing the required course credits, students of the KTÜ Department of Architecture must complete internships (practical training) to enhance their practical knowledge and skills in accordance with the rules set forth in the Karadeniz Technical University "KTÜ Department of Architecture Internship Directive." This is mandatory for qualifying for a bachelor's degree in architecture.

To graduate with a bachelor's degree from the KTÜ Faculty of Architecture, students must complete a total of 60 working days of internship. This includes a construction site internship (30 working days) at the end of the second year and an office internship (30 working days) at the end of the third year. Through the internship program, our students have the opportunity to intern at various institutions and offices both domestically and internationally.

Exchange Programs

At our university, student exchange programs are managed by the Exchange Programs Coordination Office of the International Relations Office. These programs provide our students with opportunities to study and intern both domestically and internationally. The Exchange Programs Coordination Office includes three different units:

  1. Erasmus+ Exchange Program Unit
  2. Farabi Exchange Program Unit
  3. Mevlana Exchange Program Unit

For detailed information about exchange programs, please visit the Office of Exhange Programs web page of our university.


For Course Information Packages, Course Curricula, Course Harmonization Programs, and Course Catalogs of our department, please click here.

Laboratory and Practice

University, we offer interdisciplinary research and application opportunities to ensure that our students can reinforce the theoretical knowledge they acquire during their education with practical experience. In our department, the Erdem Aksoy Experimental Design Laboratory (EADTL), the Özgönül Aksoy Computer-Aided Design Laboratory (OABDTL), the Computational Design and Fabrication Laboratory  (CODEFAB), and the Building Information Laboratories (I-II), along with various workshops, provide an educational environment where theory and practice support each other.


Alumni and Employment

The employment opportunities for architecture graduates are quite extensive. Our graduates can work in the public and private sectors, in construction and building companies, project firms, consultancy firms, architectural offices, municipalities, and ministries. They also have the option to open their own private offices. In addition to finding employment after graduation, our graduates have the opportunity to pursue postgraduate education domestically or internationally and to continue their careers as faculty members at universities.

Double Major-Minor

With the Double Major and Minor programs, Architecture Department students have the opportunity to take additional undergraduate courses in the programs listed below and earn the degrees and titles awarded to graduates who complete these programs.

The Double Major and Minor programs available to Architecture Department students are as follows:

Departments Offering Double Major Education

Departments Offering Minor Education

İnterior Architecture

Urban and Regional Planning

Landscape Architecture

Forest Industry Engineering

Civil Engineering

Geomatics Engineering

Business Administration


İnterior Architecture

Urban and Regional Planning

Landscape Architecture

Civil Engineering

Geomatics Engineering

Business Administration



For detailed information about Double Major and Minor Programs (application, acceptance, registration conditions, etc.), please click here.

Enrollment Base Score





With 0,12 Coefficient

Base Score


With 0,12 Coefficient

Base Score


With 0,12 Coefficient

Base Score










YÖK Atlas Department Information

For information about our department on YÖK Atlas, please click here.