
The BlackNETs Project Has Been Funded by the EU!

Our BlackNETs Project Has Been Funded by the EU!

Over the past decade, multilateral efforts have been needed to address the transboundary ecological and socio-economic impacts of Abandoned, Lost, or Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG). Identified as perhaps the most dangerous type of marine litter, it is crucial not only to understand the scale and nature of the problem but also to assess whether existing management frameworks can effectively respond to this complex challenge.

Ghost nets have been proven to have severely harmful effects on marine habitats and wildlife. Among marine birds and mammals, entanglements have been predominantly attributed to fishing gear (especially ALDFG) rather than other types of marine plastic pollution.

Despite research efforts to understand the causes and impacts of fishing gear loss, abandonment, or disposal, significant knowledge gaps remain regarding the quantities and rates of ALDFG and the types, amounts, and impacts of sea-based fishing-related debris. However, despite these gaps, there is little doubt that abandoned fishing gear poses a serious threat to the health of the Black Sea.

The BlackNETs project aims to measure and mitigate the impact of ALDFG on the Black Sea environment. A key achievement of the project will be the removal of at least 8,000 kg of ALDFG from Black Sea waters through pilot actions conducted in each partner country (Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Georgia). These actions will form the foundation of a sustainability process, leading to the development of an awareness guide focused on preventing, reducing, and removing fishing gear in the Black Sea.

Additionally, mapping of affected areas will facilitate future actions to further free the Black Sea from ALDFG. Another critical outcome will be capacity building and knowledge sharing through training, promoting behavioral changes among stakeholders in the fishing sector. This will encourage the adoption of best practices that minimize gear loss and enhance voluntary ghost net collection efforts.

09 February 2024