advisory committee

Prof. Dr. Neşe KAKLIKKAYA - Karadeniz Technical University, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Lect. Ali Haydar DOĞU - Karadeniz Technical University, Advisor to the Rector Responsible for Strategic Plan and Quality

Prof. Dr. Hikmet YAZICI - Trabzon University, Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Taner ALTUN - Trabzon University, Head of Department of Primary Education

Prof. Dr. Nedim ALEV - Trabzon University, Head of Department of Educational Sciences

Prof. Dr. Filiz KALELİOĞLU - Başkent University, Director of Teaching and Learning Center (BÖGEM)

Doç. Dr. Mehmet KOKOÇ - Trabzon University, Director of Technology Transfer and Project Management Application and Research Center

Dr. İpek DERMAN - Haccettepe University, Assistant Coordinator of Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center

Student Representative - KTU Quality Commission Student Representative