fields of activity

Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) Field of Activity

  • Conducting situation analyses for faculty and students
  • To follow the university student profile by years by conducting research on the academic and psychological development of students
  • Preparing and implementing projects within the scope of improving teaching and learning, adopting innovative practices and using advanced technology in education
  • Supporting the teaching environment to be in a lively development process
  • To popularize the use of instructional technologies in teaching and research
  • Supporting instructors in the preparation and improvement of course syllabi
  • Organizing seminars, workshops and conferences on learning and teaching
  • Conducting orientation programs for newly appointed lecturers and conducting seminars and trainings to improve their teaching skills
  • Analyzing course assessments and evaluations, giving feedback to instructors and students according to the results of the analysis and preparing reports
  • To provide the necessary support by checking the course information packages of academic units
  • Contributing to the improvement of teaching service quality with the Teaching Observation workshop
  • To increase awareness through workshops and seminars on technology introductions, in-class operation, lesson planning, improving interaction with students, assessment and evaluation, distance education and similar issues