
Ö-MER, Academic Orientation Program for the Fall Semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year was held

The Academic Orientation Program for the Fall Semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year organized by the Teaching and Learning Center (Ö-MER) was held with intense participation.

The Academic Orientation Program for the Fall Semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year, organized by the Teaching and Learning Center (Ö-MER) of our University, was held at Atatürk Cultural Center Reşit TARAKÇIOĞLU Hall with the participation of Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim OKUMUŞ, Prof. Dr. Cemil RAKICI, Advisor to the Rector Lecturer Ali Haydar DOĞU, Corporate Communication Coordinator Şeyda ÖZGENÇ YILMAZ, academicians and new academic staff. Delivering the opening speech of the program, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim OKUMUŞ emphasized high quality education and said, "Karadeniz Technical University is an innovative and visionary institution with a deep-rooted academic tradition. The mission of our university is to contribute to science, technology and community service with high quality education and research activities. You are now a part of this mission. Do not forget that the success of our university is made possible by talented and motivated teaching and research assistants like you. In this context, I will closely follow your work and wish you success."

Newly Established Ö-MER Introduced at KTU
In the program, Ö-MER Coordinator Prof. Dr. Semra ÇOLAK stated the fields of activity of Teaching and Learning Centers, which have become much more important with the studies to increase the quality of education in higher education with the slogan "Qualified people, strong society", and talked about the current and future activities of the Center by introducing the newly established Center within KTÜ. Prof. Dr. Semra ÇOLAK wished success to our young academicians who are at the beginning of their career steps and stated that trainings that will increase their academic competencies will be planned as soon as possible.

Detailed Presentations Made
Later in the program, Advisor to the Rector Responsible for Strategic Plan and Quality, Assist. Assist. Ali Haydar DOĞU made a detailed presentation about "Integrated Strategy and Quality Assurance System" to the academic staff. The program continued with the presentations made by KTU Quality Commission Members Prof. Dr. Asu BEŞGEN, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aytaç AYDIN and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Badegül Can DEMİR and ended after the Badge Pinning Ceremony and taking a souvenir photo.

08 November 2023