
"How to Prepare a Syllabus? New Technologies in Education" Training was held

In order to raise awareness about the importance of preparing a syllabus for the development of education and training processes, which has an important place in the quality assurance of our university, and to integrate new technologies into education, KTU Teaching and Learning Center (Ö-MER) organized a training on "How to Prepare a Syllabus?" on 26.04.2024 at Nazım TERZİOĞLU Amphitheater. New Technologies in Education" was held on 26.04.2024 at Nazım TERZİOĞLU Amphitheater. 

Our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim OKUMUŞ, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Neşe KAKLIKKAYA, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Ufuk ÖZGEN, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry Prof. Dr. Ali TEMİZ, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Tülay İLHAN NAS, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Celal Kurtuluş BURUK and nearly 100 academic staff participated in our event. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Yüksel GÖKTAŞ, Director of Atatürk University Teaching and Learning Development Application and Research Center, for his contributions and wish him success in his work. We would also like to thank all the participants who attended our event and hope to meet again at the next event.

30 April 2024